Contoh Ungkapan Agreement and Disagreement

As a copy editor with SEO experience, I know that providing informative and engaging content is essential for driving traffic to websites, especially when it comes to articles on language learning. In this article, I will be discussing “contoh ungkapan agreement and disagreement,” or expressions of agreement and disagreement in the Indonesian language.

In Indonesian, like in any other language, expressing agreement or disagreement is a crucial component of communication. However, it is not always easy to express one`s thoughts and feelings accurately, especially in a language that is not one`s mother tongue. Therefore, it is essential to learn the various expressions of agreement and disagreement in Indonesian.

Contoh Ungkapan Agreement (Expressions of Agreement)

To express agreement in Indonesian, there are several different phrases and expressions that one can use. Some of the most common expressions of agreement in Indonesian are:

1. Betul sekali (Absolutely right)

This phrase is used to indicate that you agree 100% with the statement that has been made.

Example: “Apakah kamu setuju bahwa jalan ini sangat ramai pada waktu rush hour?” “Betul sekali.”

(Do you agree that this road is very busy during rush hour? Absolutely right.)

2. Tepat sekali (Exactly right)

This phrase is used to indicate that you agree with the statement, and it is precisely what you were thinking or wanted to say.

Example: “Aku suka makan sate.” “Tepat sekali, aku juga suka makan sate.”

(I like to eat satay.” “Exactly right, I also like to eat satay.”)

3. Benar sekali (Absolutely true)

This phrase is used to indicate that you agree with the statement and that it is entirely accurate.

Example: “Saya rasa, pada umumnya, orang Indonesia sangat ramah dan baik hati.” “Benar sekali.”

(I think that, in general, Indonesian people are very friendly and kindhearted.” “Absolutely true.”)

Contoh Ungkapan Disagreement (Expressions of Disagreement)

Just as expressing agreement is essential, so too is expressing disagreement. In Indonesian, there are also several different phrases and expressions that one can use to express disagreement. Some of the most common expressions of disagreement in Indonesian are:

1. Tidak setuju (Do not agree)

This phrase is used to indicate that you do not agree with the statement or opinion that has been expressed.

Example: “Saya rasa, musik reggae sangat enak didengar.” “Maaf, saya tidak setuju. Saya lebih suka musik pop.”

(I think that reggae music is very pleasant to listen to.” “I`m sorry, I do not agree. I prefer pop music.”)

2. Tidak sepakat (Do not concur)

This phrase is used to indicate that you do not concur with the statement or opinion that has been expressed.

Example: “Menurut saya, olahraga itu sangat penting untuk kesehatan.” “Tidak sepakat, saya rasa olahraga tidak begitu penting.”

(I think that sports are incredibly important for one`s health.” “Do not concur, I don`t think that sports are that important.”)

3. Saya punya pendapat yang berbeda (I have a different opinion)

This phrase is used to indicate that you have a different opinion than the one that has been expressed.

Example: “Menurut saya, kopi lebih enak daripada teh.” “Saya punya pendapat yang berbeda, saya rasa teh lebih enak daripada kopi.”

(I think that coffee tastes better than tea.” “I have a different opinion, I think that tea tastes better than coffee.”)


As you can see, there are various expressions of agreement and disagreement in the Indonesian language. By learning these phrases, language learners can better communicate their thoughts and ideas, leading to more productive conversations. Ultimately, mastering the expressions of agreement and disagreement in Indonesian is essential for effective communication and building lasting relationships.

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