What Is Discharge in Contract Law

Discharge in contract law refers to the release or termination of the obligations and duties of the parties involved in a contract. It is an essential concept in contract law and refers to a situation where the parties involved in the contract are relieved of any further responsibilities or duties that they have towards each other.

Discharge can occur in various ways, including by performance, breach, agreement, frustration, or operation of law. Let`s explore each of these ways in detail.


Performance is the most common way of discharging a contract. When both parties fulfill their obligations under the contract, the contract is considered discharged, and there is no further duty required. For instance, in a contract between a buyer and seller, discharge occurs when the buyer pays for the goods, and the seller delivers them as agreed.


A breach occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations under the contract. The innocent party can choose to terminate the contract or continue with it. If they choose to terminate the agreement, they are considered discharged from their obligations, and the breaching party is held responsible for the breach.


Discharge by agreement occurs when both parties agree to terminate the contract before the performance is completed. Both parties must consent to the agreement, and there must be an exchange of consideration.


Frustration occurs when an unforeseen event beyond the control of either party makes it impossible to perform the contract. For instance, if a hired musician dies before the performance date, the contract is said to be frustrated.

Operation of Law

Discharge can also occur through the operation of law. This may happen when the contract becomes illegal or when a party dies or becomes incapacitated. Also, discharge may occur when specific limitations on the time for performance are exceeded.


Discharge is an essential concept in contract law. The fulfillment of obligations and duties by the parties involved is the most common way of discharging the contract. However, discharge can also occur through breach, agreement, frustration, and the operation of law. It is important to understand these concepts to avoid any future misunderstanding that may occur due to the breach of a contract.

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